• +61 (3) 5911 7000

Paying off your car loan. 

With the cost of living rising and interest rates moving higher, getting on top of your household's expenses and debts is more important than ever.

For most people, a car loan is often the second largest household expense and it’s one that can cost a lot more these days with the high price of new cars. 

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to speed up the process of paying down your car loan so you can finally own your vehicle outright.


Did you know

With our in-house mortgage broking division we bridge the gap between the countless phone calls and emails between lender and accountant making your refinancing and borrowing much less stressful.


Let's work together.

Before refinancing your car loan, speak with a finance broker to help determine
whether the potential savings or benefits outweigh the costs.


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